This Site is a tribute to the Men and Women from Tillman County, Oklahoma, who served our country during World War II. There are 1,088 names thus far!
To view this information, click the "Browse WWII Names" link on the menu at the side of this page. A SEARCH feature has been added for your convenience.
If you know names of men and women from Tillman County, Oklahoma, who served in WWII but were not listed in the book, please contact us so they can be included. If you find an error in informaion, please tell us!
Every effort is made to keep the intent and "feel" of the original book, "The Men and Women in World War II from Tillman County", from the mid-1940's. We have kept the abbreviations, etc from the original publication.
About the WW II Site.....
The work began with Carolyn Nicks and her students from Frederick High School. While gathering information about Frederick to be used in a project "A Place On The Prarie- Points In Time", their attention was directed to a book published in the mid 1940's.
Mr. Don Stone mentioned a publication containing photographs and biographies of men and women of Tillman County who served our country during WWII.
They began a search for an original copy, and Mr. Ewell Spradlin loaned them his copy, thus beginning their two year project. They learned of others who served but were not included in the original book and added their information. Their work progressed but was never completed.
In an effort to keep this information alive, I contacted Mrs. Nicks and requested permission to complete the work and place it on the Internet. Thanks to Kimberly Cassidy who connected us again. Also, thank-you to The Tillman County Historical Society. We have added details to many names based on information from the Society's publications. This is used with their permission.
My desire to see these heroes remembered, has motivated me to complete this project for them. I would like to thank my son, Corey Pennycuff for his many hours of technical work, to see this Website "up and running".
In the words of Mrs. Nicks and all the students which contributed so much to this work, "May you and others find this work both informative and inspiring".
Kathy Ellis Pennycuff
Please note: The content of this site is for the sole purpose to keep this information available and free on the net. You may link to this site. No permission is given for any or all of this information to be sold in written form or on the internet.