Letter from Hobart McCord
As Post Commander of the John S. Kerr Post #49 of the American Legion, my hat is off to each of you for the swell job you have done while in the Armed Forces of your Country in World War II. Whether you served on Foreign soil or here at home, you have done a wonderful job - you have made the U. S. A., Oklahoma, and Tillman County the great place it is to live in. We GI's of World War I have been with you in spirit and have longed to have been in there fighting by your sides, but Father Time has put our ages where we would be of very little help to you on the battlefields. However, we do assure you that we have done everything in our power to back you here on the Home Front by buying War Bonds, giving to the Red Cross and U. S. O., and by donating blood for plasma that it might save the life of some fighting GI who was wounded in battle. We realize fully that the going has been tough; but, with the backbone and determination to win, you have upheld the loyalty and heroism that Tillman County Folks always have had in an emergency.
Even though you have suffered untold hardships and have been separated from your friends and loved ones, you are going to be justly proud that you had a part in keeping this Nation of ours "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." We buddies of the World War I remember the deal we received after we had completed that job; and, through the GI Bill of Rights, we hope and pray that we have made it possible for you to return to your old job or a better one, or to complete that college course you have been denied. We want you to ask for these rights and privileges - and we will back you to the limit in getting what you so justly deserve.
To you whose names and pictures appear on the following pages, let me assure you that you have made history for Tillman County, and we are justly proud of each of you. I know you will be proud of your record; and, as the years roll by, what a thrill you will get from turning through the pages and seeing your old buddies of World War II days. What memories it will bring back to you - and how you will cherish them! When the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He writes not that you won or lost - but how you played the game.
Hobart McCord, Post Commander
John S. Kerr Post, American Legion